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© 2 0 0 2 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
a fourth time within five seconds: The siren chirps
four times followed by a long chirp. Zones 2 and 4 are now
a fifth time within five seconds: The siren chirps
five times followed by a long chirp. All input zones, except
the ignition, are now bypassed.
Continued pressing of
will begin the Multi-Level
Security Arming cycle over again.
to disarm the system. The vehicle’s lights will flash
twice, the doors will unlock, the siren will chirp twice and the
status LED will turn off. The remote control will beep twice (or
vibrate). The disarm icon (6) will flash for three seconds and the
disarm status icon (8) will be displayed on the LCD.
If the siren chirps and the remote control beeps four or five times
when disarming, the system is reporting a Triggered Response or
NPC was activated while armed. Refer to the Diagnostic section
of this manual for information about disarm diagnostics and how
to interpret them.
note: If the remote control received a Warn Away
Triggered Response Page while armed, the first press of the
unlock button will clear the page alert. A second press will
turn the siren off, and a third press will disarm the system.
note: Multi-Level Security Arming only applies to a sin-
gle arming cycle. Once the system is disarmed and then
re-armed, all the zones will be active again.