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© 2 0 0 2 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

The remote control will beep once (or vibrate). The arm icon (7)

will flash for five seconds and the armed status icon (4) will be

displayed on the LCD.

Bypass Notification

If the siren chirps again, the remote control beeps again, and the

status LED blinks in a pattern, a protected entry or sensor input

is active and its icon will be displayed on the remote control LCD.

This is called Bypass Notification. Refer to the diagnostic section

of this manual for information about Bypass Notification.

passive arming

The system can be programmed to arm automatically. This is

called passive arming. In Passive Arming Mode the system will

arm itself 30 seconds after the user exits the vehicle and closes all

protected entry points.

Passive arming sequence

1. Turn the ignition off and exit the vehicle.

2. Close all protected entry points. (doors, hood, trunk)

3. The status LED will blink at twice its normal rate indicating

the system has begun the 30 second countdown.

4. After 20 seconds the siren will chirp once (unless

programmed off ) as an audible indication that the system is

about to arm.

5. At 30 seconds the system will fully arm itself. At this time the

lights will flash and the doors will lock (if programmed for

passive locking).