M13_v2_advguide_rev_a_english, Fx loop, Factory reset – Line 6 M13 User Manual
Page 14: Midi gate displays

Setup Details
FX Loop
You can insert the FX Loop anywhere in the signal path. Use Knob 5, LCD 3 to select your
insert point. Your choices are Pre All, Post FX 1, Post FX 2, Post FX 3, Post All & Off.
The following are a few routing examples to demonstrate the M13’s flexibility. (Be aware
that multiple amps may cause ground hum - the common cure for this is a ground lift box):
• Add an external FX unit to the M13: for example, run Vetta Comp in FX 1, U-Vibe
in FX2, then assign the FX Loop to Post FX 2 and feed an external distortion pedal.
That pedal’s output would return to feed FX 3 and 4 to add M13 Delay and Reverb.
• Double routing: set the Loop to Post FX 1 and send an Octave Fuzz from FX1 out
to the front of a tube amp. Route the amp’s FX Send back into the M13 mono FX
Return. Now add M13 Filter, Flange and Delay FX and send the M13 mono Out to
your amp’s FX return. All the time-based FX will be post your tube amp’s preamp.
• Wet/dry stereo: send a Comp or Dist model via FX Loop Send (Post FX 1) to a tube
amp for your dry sound. Add Panned Phaser, Ping Pong and Reverb in the M13 and
set all Mix controls to 100% wet. Now connect the M13 stereo outputs to 2 other
guitar amps. You’ll get wide, stereo FX left and right with dry guitar in the middle.
MIDI Gate Displays
CH 1
Factory Reset
There may be times when you’d like to reset your M13 to its Factory settings. You may
want to recall a particular Factory Scene, for example. To do a Factory Reset, first back
up any Scenes you’d like to keep (see MIDI Backup on page 2•5), then follow these steps:
• Turn the Model Select Knob under LCD 4 until “Rst Fact?” is displayed.
• Press down on the Model Select Knob - “Reset To Factory?” will be displayed.
• To initiate the Factory Reset, press down on the Model Select Knob again.
• All Factory defaults will be reset, including Scene Presets and Global settings.