How to tie turkey, 5500 series – Ronco 5500 Series Stainless Rotisserie Oven User Manual
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INSTRUCTIONS: How to Tie Turkey
How to tie a chicken using 2 ties
Using two ties, shorten them both and put
one over the wings and one over the legs.
It’s very easy.
you can also use several Food Ties to secure
any bird. If you run out of Food Ties you can
use butcher’s twine until you can order more
Food Ties.
How to tie turkey
Tie your turkey right: make it tight! When preparing a Turkey, the wings and legs
must be tied down securely to prevent them from touching the heating element.
rEMEMBEr: your must use Heavy Twine or String when fixing your Turkey.
DO NOT use the elastic Food Ties. Keep the cavity open to heat.
stuffing rotisserie poultry is not recommended.
Depending on the model of your rotisserie, you will only be able to cook a certain size
turkey. Please see below:
As your Turkey rotates, the wings and legs do have a tendency to bow out. It is VERy
IMPORTANT that you follow these instructions to make sure that no part of your Turkey
touches the Heating Element!
MAkE Four or FIVE tIEs WItH HEAVY strInG or tWInE!
tIE Your turkEY In Four or FIVE spots:
Two ties over the Wings, One or Two ties over the
wide part of the Drumsticks, and One tie over
the Legs, as shown above. Be sure that nothing
hangs over or extends beyond the Gear Wheels.
Always center your Turkey on the Spit Rods.
rEMEMBEr to tIE EAcH strInG As tIGHtLY
As possIBLE.
If any part of your Turkey (or any game bird or other food) Touches the Heating Element
while cooking,
IMMEDIAtELY turn oFF Your rotIssErIE and re-tie the Bird more
securely. If, after re-tying, any part of your Turkey is still touching the Heating Element,
the bird is too big and must be trimmed down, where necessary.
5500 series
• Dimensions: 18.7” x
16.7” x 16.3”
• 15 lb maximum