MTD 216-310-000 User Manual

Page 7

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10. Place the handle panel (S) in position on the

handles. Secure the upper holes in the panei to

the handies with carriage bolts (A), lock washers

—(B) and hex nuts (C), finger tight only. See figure



11. Place carriage bolt (A) through the handle panel,

handle and handle brace on the lower right hand
side of the handle panel, finger tight oniy. See
figure 10.

12. Place carriage bolt (A) through the handle panel,

handle, handle brace and cable support bracket

on the lower left hand side of handle panel as

------ shown in figure 11. Use the bottom hole in the

cable support bracket. Secure with iock washer
and hex nut, finger tight only.


13. Place flat washer (I) between handle and upper

hole on cable support bracket. Secure with self-

—-tapping screw (J). See figure 12.

14. Now tighten securely the self-tapping screw and

all nuts and bolts on handles and braces.