Accessories, Foot lifter parts, Knei belt guard – SINGER 147-51 User Manual
Page 15: Bench stand
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Threa 120849 20522 Steady Pin................................................... 400c 20.520 'I'hiiKid (under) TakiMij) 'Phread (luanl 27998 ■20,50,5 Steauly Pin vS(‘l Screw.............................. 38484 ■20,5'20 4'hread (upiier) Eyelet..................................... piimy ■20.505 11)0,1 ■20.5-24 “ “ “ S(U'ew............................................... 120-248 20,505 ,54103 ‘20.5'20 “ “ Tak(‘-up............................................... 41,538 — 51194 20.520 Plate................. 08104 20520 “ “ “ “ S p r i n g 1449.1 20,5'20 U U U U 000.50 ■2050.5 5411)5 ------- ■21 I f '205'2:i ASlSt) 20525 131255 'ЗОо'ЗА 712 f 21)504 *15101 ------- 15405 ------- ...................................... Thrcucl (upper) 'I'uke-vip eom])lete, Nos. 1441).i, 54103, 51104 and OSllil............... Thread (upper) 4'ake-up Set Serew................. “ “ for hiiuliu)!;, for 54240.. . . “ “ Serew.......................................... 4'radii Mark..................................................... “ Rivet............................................. ACCESSORIES N.eMK Map Hinge with four wood screws ^4 in. No. 7................................................. Map Hook and Eye (brass) witii wood seiauv M ii'- ^h>. 5............................................... Mush Holt....................................................... “ Mate............................................... M\ish Holt with Plate coinpleti^, Nos. 120247, 120248 and four brass wood screws -‘-'H in. No. 4.................................. Hinge............................................................... FOOT LIFTER PARTS NO. ri..\Tt) N.a.ME t)130 ------ ('bain, 30 in. to 45 in., witli 50804 and 50805........................................................... N ote ; When ordering No. 0431), state lengt h re(jnireil. 487!) 50804 81) 11 8911 20,505 NO. ri>AT{i; NAAfE 12ti249 2t),500 PJOOll 8941 Oiku’ (copjH'i' plat(Ml) willi 12()d4o............................. 4882 8941 |■20345 ,8911 “ Spont, .5 in. long........................................................ 120250 8941 20020 8941 Serew Driver (largei......................................................... l-2t)25l 20509 20485 8911 “ “ {small 1.................................................................. 120252 2t),5t)9 38487 8941 'ldu'(Nidinj 2 ; Win*.......................................................... 1-20341 8941 'rw(‘(*z(‘r.s (curv(‘d 1...................................................... 48-22 ,8941 \\ |•en('l) for 1517............................................................. 8908 894 1 ■■ 1520....................................................... KNEI BELT GUARD NO. 1‘LATK 37.503 ------- ■ NO. NAMK t)8222 2t)509 H(4t (luard witli two wood serew.s 1 in. ,50804 8941 No. 12.......................................................................... .5ti805 20505 2703 20508 BENCH STAND 12242 2t).5t)8 NO. 1‘LATK N\.\!H 0335 ■20,508 70772 — Heneh Stand witii 27908, two each 033fi ---- . 4 15.>8, 12()849, tiu'e(‘ wood sert'ws 1 No. 12, fo\ir eaeli ()0Н5(), wo ( m 1 serc'ws 27ti0 20,508 1 hi in. No. 10, eight wood serews '’s 350c 2t).504 jj). No. 1) and öixte(m wood .screws ■2707 20508 к in. No. 7................................................................. 3,5tic 2t)5t)4 IStlDo—3 Chain Connciding lank.................................... “ Hook (large)......................................... “ “ (small)........................................... 4'i'eadle............................................................ Shaft................................................. “ Sin-ing..................................................... Trcaulle complete. Nos. 4882, 120240 to 120251 and two wood screws 1 in. No. 10......................................................... N.\ME Chain, length 15 in., with 50804 and 50805........................................................... Chain Hook (large).......................................... “ “ (small)........................................... Rock Shaft....................................................... “ “ Hanger with two wood screws 1 in. No. 10...................................... Rock Shaft Knee Arm..................................... 2700, 2707 and 0335................................... Rock Shaft Knee Arm Hub with 350c.. “ “ “ “ “ Set Screw.. “ “ “ Plato with 350c..................... “ “ “ Set Sci'i'W........................
Throat Plal(i for 54177...................................
“ Stand.......................................................
Rock Shaft Knee Arm comidete. Nos.