Wampler Pedals Velvet Fuzz User Manual
F u z z, Velvet fuzz

Velvet Fuzz
Known for his ability to recreate Amps in Boxes, Brian Wampler recently became
fascinated with the sound of a classic pedal through a famous amp. One of the
most obvious is a fuzz pedal into a full EL34 driven stack, the kind of tones that
are a foundation strong enough to build “The Wall” on.
He wanted the smoothness AND the aggression of the fuzz, the power of the
stack and most importantly, bringing those tones to life through your amp.
This led him to a place he wasn’t expecting. As soon as the circuit jumped to life
he found himself squeezing solo tones that could easily leave you numb, albeit
really comfortably... In fact, it could send you right over the edge of the Cliffs of
The chords remained clear with ALL the strings singing through, it reacted really
well when the volume on the guitar was turned down... Interesting. With this as a
base tone, there became the challenge to make it versatile enough for fuzz fans,
and distortion fans, but retain the character flavor the pedal is already giving.
Utilizing several Wampler tricks and one or two completely unique approaches,
Brian added the voicing switch to give you the option of a more fuzz friendly
tone or a more distortion tone. With the fuzz side being bigger and looser, and
the dirt side being tighter and brighter, this pedal works wonderfully if you want
to retain your tone yet smash it up in the best possible way.
So, if you are are lusting over the sweetest sustaining fuzz or the dirtiest
destroyed fuzz that can border on distortion, the Velvet Fuzz is for you - there is
no other fuzz like it..
To get the most out of your new pedal, you'll want to become very familiar with the controls. The Velvet Fuzz has three controls
and 2 voicing options. Each control will effect the others so it’s good initially to try and see how each effects the others. For
example, the brightness knob reacts a bit differently in the BIG position than it does in the TIGHT position.
Bypass Switch – Simple enough, this footswitch is wired up for true bypass switching to ensure that you don't have anything in
the way when you disable the pedal. The LED indicator light will show that when the pedal is activated.
Volume – This controls the output level of the pedal. It works just like the volume knob on your guitar or your amp. As you raise
the FUZZ knob, and depending on how you adjust the BRIGHTNESS control and switches, you may need to raise or lower them to
have the same output level. That's perfectly normal. We suggest that initially you find where “unity” volume is (when the affected
sound level is the same as the unaffected sound level) and work from there.