Wampler Pedals Brent Mason Signature Overdrive/Distortion Pedal User Manual
Brent mason signature overdrive/distortion pedal

Brent Mason Signature Overdrive/Distortion Pedal
The first Brent Mason Hot Wired Overdrive was the carefully-crafted
collaboration between legendary studio ace Brent Mason and Brian
Wampler. It took 18 months of adjustment to dial in the pedal to do what
Brent needed in the studio. When your job is to lay down somebody's
sound, you don't get the luxury of insisting that it has to sound a certain
way, but you always have to sound great. After a lot of thought on how to
do it right and ensure maximum flexibility for Brent's needs (plus tons of
prototypes and input from Brent!), Brian designed a two-in-one pedal: the
Hot Wired Overdrive, which let Brent make music his way. Let nobody say
the Hot Wired Overdrive wasn't a legend in its time!
... but time marches on ...
The music scene changes, and so do guitarists' needs. Brent Mason is a
legend, and people come to him for his work from all over. What Brent
needed back when he and Brian first spec'd out the Hot Wired is a differ-
ent sound and a different set of features compared to what Brent needs
today. So back to the circuit "drawing board" Brian went, and the process
started again. Several years have gone by and Brian has honed his craft
continuously in that time.
This pedal, the Hot Wired V2, is the result: a new Hot Wired that keeps the amazing flexibility and functionality of the
original, meets Brent's modern needs, and shows off some of Brian's modern tone-shaping capabilities to boot.
Both channels received updated "Fat switch" functions, Channel One got a killer Blend control for maximum clarity,
and the control layout is more accessible and intuitive than ever before. The Hot Wired V2 is the result of two amaz-
ing, practiced sets of ears applied to the task of making yet another legendary pedal for a legendary artist!
To get the most out of your new pedal, you'll want to become very familiar with the controls. The Brent Mason Hot
Wired V2 Overdrive and Distortion features two channels, each with a unique control set. Channel One features four
main controls and a switch: Volume, Overdrive, Tone, Blend, and Fat/Normal/Fatter. Channel Two features three main
controls and a switch: Volume, Distortion, Tone, and Fat/Normal/Fatter. Each channel is adjusted independently, and
remember that they will work great either separately or stacked together! I'll go over each control in detail, and offer
some suggestions that will give you a great tone so you don't have to start from scratch unless you want to. Experi-
ment and enjoy!
Bypass Switches – Simple enough, these footswitches are wired up for true bypass switching to ensure that you don't
have anything in the way when you disable either channel. Stomp on each channel's respective footswitch to turn the
pedal on, and the LED indicator light will show that it's active. Channel One has a blue LED indicator light, Channel
Two has a red LED indicator light. When both channels are on, so are both LEDs.