Viconics VWG-50 (Classic ZigBee) Engineering Guide Specifications User Manual

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Part 2 – Equipment

2.01 General – The VWG-50 Wireless Gateway shall provide a simple way in which to integrate Viconics
wireless communicating controllers into today’s building automation systems using either BACnet MS/TP
or BACnet IP open protocols.

 The Viconics Wireless Gateway and related VT7000xxxx Wireless Communicating Controllers

shall be supplied with a factory mounted wireless adapter and operate using ZigBee/IEEE
802.15.4 physical layer for communication.

 The VWG-50 shall act as a wireless access point between the Viconics Wireless Communicating

Controllers and the BACnet IP or BACnet MS/TP wired supervisory system (supplied by others).

 The VWG-50 shall provide familiar BACnet objects for easy integration.
 The VWG-50 shall have a built-in configuration tool accessible by a network used to configure

and commission the VWG-50 as well as discover the wireless communicating controllers.

 A maximum of 50 (fifty) Viconics wireless communicating controllers shall be added wirelessly to

a single VWG-50 database.

 A maximum distance between each node (controller) for non-line-of-sight must be less than

50feet. The maximum distance between two nodes for clear line of sight must be less than
100feet. Ensure that at least one controller is within 50 feet of the VWG-50 for every cluster of 10
controllers installed.

 The VWG-50 shall be supplied with an integrated antenna for wireless communication. An

optional remote antenna (Part # VWG-RA-1000 shall be available depending on the physical
installation of the gateway (example: VWG-50 installed in a metal cabinet),.

 The VWG-50 shall be supplied with a custom 10-cell NiMH battery pack mounted to the unit

(under the cover). This battery shall allow the VWG to continue operation through very short power
bumps (a few seconds in duration). If a longer power outage occurs, the fully charged battery shall
provide enough run time for the VWG to backup data and then shutdown. Shutdown shall occur
automatically, after data is backed up to on-board flash memory.

Model required: VWG-50-MSTP-1000 for BACnet MS/TP

Model required: VWG-50-IP-1000 for BACnet IP