Page 16

Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check
carefully the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999118 / 16/12/2009
page 16 of 35
Notes on configuring the controller
External error input (Ext. Err)
Via this input external error messages are processed.
When set to Off, the external error input is ignored.
When set to Cont., an error message is displayed, the current program is continued.
When set to Stop, an error message is displayed, the current program is stopped.
Note: To indicate a VARIO pump it is necessary to set the external error input to ”Off”.
Time delay
At the end of the process the cooling water continues to flow according to the preset time delay. If an
isolation valve is connected, the time delay applies to both the pump and the cooling water valve.
Notes on selecting the factory-set configuration
The controller VNC 1 can be adapted optimal to the specific application by choosing
the appropriate set-in-factory mode depending on the components, the application and
the process.
Automatic valve detection:
When switching on, the controller checks the actual valve configuration. If a valve is
connected it is supervised and operated automatically until the controller is switched
off. Isolation valves and cooling water valves are supervised equally.
Automatic VARIO detection:
If the not configurated external error input is switched after switching on the pump
(without isolation valve), the controller changes automatically to configuration ”VARIO”
and stores this configuration. After a restart the configuration ”VARIO“ is active di-
rectly. If an isolation valve is connected to the controller instead of a VARIO adapter,
the controller switches automatically to valve operation after restart.
The preselected values from last operation (e. g. for pressure, pumping speed or switch-
off time) are stored. In case of similar operation conditions it is possible to start imme-
diately, if the preselections are chosen appropriately.
If selecting another factory-set mode (press key ”Esc” during switching on), the con-
figuration for this mode is taken over, the actual configuration gets lost.
Four factory-set mode are stored in the controller (see section ”General view of factory-
set modes”). The single factory-set modes contain the following function specific set-
tings in the program menu:
Vacuum control (pControl): Two point control with 5 minutes time delay.
p set
: 25 mbar,
Δp: Auto, t Off: off, limit: 1060 mbar.
p set
: 25 mbar, p On: 150 mbar, t Off: 15 min, tProcess: 99 h.
VACUU•LAN for diaphragm pumps with 8 cylinders with start-up control (3 minutes
start-up delay) (VCL 8cyl):
p set
: 25 mbar, p On: 150 mbar, t Off: 15 min, tProcess: 99 h.
RC 5 / RC 6 management:
Attention: For factory-set mode ”RC 5 / RC 6 management” please order separate
instructions for use!