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Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 99 78 31 / 20/12/2006

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Do not allow oils to be poured into or enter the drainage system or other bodies of
water. Spillage can cause accidents! Use suitable means for removing spilt oil.
☞ Observe all relevant statutory requirements and regulations concerning the use,

storage and disposal of oil.

Use only genuine spare parts and accessories.
☞ Otherwise safety and performance of the equipment as well as the electromag-

netic compatibility of the equipment might be reduced.

Ensure that maintenance is done only by suitable trained and supervised tech-
Ensure that the maintenance technician is familiar with the safety procedures
which relate to the product processed by the vacuum system and that the equipment,
if necessary, is appropriately decontaminated before starting maintenance.
Obey local and national safety regulations.

Before starting maintenance vent the system, isolate the pump and other compo-
nents from the vacuum system and the electrical supply. Drain condensate if applica-
ble, avoid the release of pollutants. Allow sufficient cooling of the pump. Ensure that
the pump cannot be operated accidentally. Never operate the pump if covers or
other parts of the pump are disassembled. Never operate a defective or dam-
aged pump.

Before starting maintenance, wait two minutes after isolating the equipment from
mains to allow the capacitors to discharge.

Attention: The pump might be contaminated with the process chemicals that have
been pumped during operation. Ensure that the pump is decontaminated before main-
tenance and take adequate precautions to protect people from the effects of danger-
ous substances if contamination has occurred.
☞ Wear appropriate safety-clothing when you come in contact with contaminated


In case of normal wear the lifetime of the motor capacitors is about 40000 operating
hours. The capacitors have to be replaced by an electrician.

As laid down in the statutory regulations ( occupational, health and safety regulations
and regulations for environmental protection), vacuum pumps returned to the manufac-
turer can be repaired only under certain conditions, see section ”Notes on return to
the factory
☞ Avoid any contamination of pumped substances or of the environment.