Firmware update – USL DAT-100 User Manual
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1. Download and install the appropriate VCP for your operating system.
2. Download and install TeraTermPro (if you’re using Windows).
3. Download the latest DAT-100 fi rmware. It has a fi lename of DAT100-YYM-
MDD.hex where YYMMDD is the year, month, and date of the revision.
4. Push the Channel Select button while moving the on/off switch from off to on.
No LEDs will light.
5. Plug a USB cable in to the DAT-100 and the host computer. A new hardware
dialog may appear. Go through the procedure to install the VCP driver. It will
be identifi ed as a Silicon Labs Virtual Com Port.
6. Open the Device Manager to view the available COM ports. You should see a
COM port identifi ed as SiLabs VCP. Note the COM number it is assigned.
7. Open TeraTermPro. Select Serial Port in the setup menu.
8. Set TeraTermPro to use the COM port identifi ed above. Set the Baud Rate to
19200. Set Data to 8 bit. Set Parity to none. Set Stop to 1 bit. Set Flow Control
to hardware. Leave transmit delays at 0.
9. Press the ENTER key on the host computer. You should see a greater than
symbol (>) appear in TeraTermPro window. The bootloader is ready to accept
new fi rmware.
10. In the TeraTermPro File menu, select Send File. Select the previously down-
loaded fi rmware update fi le and press OK.
11. TeraTermPro will display the data as it is being sent to the DAT-100. The power
LED on the DAT-100 will fl icker as it receives data.
12. When the download is complete, the data will stop on TeraTermPro. The DAT-
100 will immediately start executing the new fi rmware version. The USB cable
may be disconnected and TeraTermPro closed at any time after the download
Firmware Update
The DAT-100 fi rmware can be updated in the fi eld through the USB port. Firmware
and the required host update software is available at
100/ . Firmware updates are done using a terminal emulation program to send a
ASCII text to the DAT-100. A “virtual communications port” is set up to direct ter-
minal communications to the DAT-100 through USB. A driver for this “VCP” needs
to be installed. Drivers for various operating systems are available. TeraTerm Pro
is suggested as a terminal program for Windows systems. It is easily confi gurable
and reliable. It can also be downloaded from the URL above. Here is a step by
step procedure to do a fi rmware update on the DAT-100 using a Windows host
computer. Make appropriate substitutions for other operating systems.