USL JSD-80 Manual User Manual
USL Audio accessories

USL, Inc. JSD-80 Instruction Manual
Page 1
3rd Edition. February, 2006
1. Introduction .................................... 3
1.1 Safety notice
1.2 Unpacking
1.3 The JSD-80 Overview
1.4 Technical Specifi cations
1.5 Certifi cations
2. Installation ...................................... 9
2.1 System Hardware Mounting
and Grounding
2.2 System Cooling and Ventila-
3. Block Diagrams ............................ 10
3.1 Audio Block Diagram
3.2 Two-Channel Analog Inputs
Block Diagram
3.3 Eight-Channel Input Block
Control Block Diagram
4. System Modules ........................... 14
4.1 Input Module
4.2 Output Module
4.3 Control Module
5. Front Panel .................................... 15
5.1 Overview
5.2 Adjusting Format Levels
5.3 Adjusting Projector Gains
6. Back Panel .................................... 16
6.1 Rear Wiring Diagram
6.2 Back Panel Input Connec-
6.3 Back Panel Signal Output
6.4 Other Back Panel Connec-
7. JSD-80 Interface Software ............ 19
7.1 Installation Procedure
7.2 Opening screen
7.3 Profi le Screen
7.4 Formats Screen
7.5 Inputs Screen
7.6 Equalizer Screen
7.7 Outputs Screen
7.8 Slit Eq Analyzer
7.9 Creating, Saving and Loading
Confi guration Files
8. “A” Chain Alignment .................... 23
8.1 Preparing the Soundhead
8.2 Alignment of Solar Cell and
Preamplifi er
8.3 Sum and Difference Mode
8.4 Mono EQ and Bypass Level
8.5 Optical Surround Gain and
8.6 Optical Subwoofer
8.7 Analog Non-Sync, Aux and
Mic levels
8.8 Digital Non-Sync, Digital Aux,
and Digital eight-channel
8.9 Digital Time Delays
9. “B” Chain Alignment .................... 29
9.1 Channel confi guration
9.2 Headroom settings
9.3 Main channels
9.4 Subwoofer channel
9.5 Saving Settings After Align-
10. Other Options .............................. 33
10.1 Pre-set Format Levels
10.2 Startup Mode
10.3 Remote Fader
10.4 System Restore from Person-
ality Module
11. Trouble Shooting ......................... 35
12. Connector Pinouts ....................... 38
13. Installation Check List ................. 39
Table Of Contents
Cinema Sound Processor