Step 3 – Trio Avionics Wing Servo Mount Installation for RV-4 and RV-6 User Manual
Page 3

Image below shows bellcrank tabs drilled and cleco’ed in place. Note the third rivet hole just
visible behind the cleco. Adding this additional rivet is optional and may require the
fabrication of an new spacer to slip between the two halves of the bell crank. (0.063 material
is required.)
Remove the tabs from bellcrank, cleco them together, and pilot drill the bearing hole.
(Left) Tabs have been rounded at the tips and riveted in place.
The next step is to drill the hole for the bolt which captures the
bearing to final size. (Below)
Use a ½” block,
inserted between
the tabs, to drill the
bearing hole to final
size. Try to drill this
as “square” as
possible. A drill
press will help if
Step 2 is now complete. Shown to the
right is a properly modified bellcrank.
The servo push rod is shown in place but
should be set aside for now.
Step 3:
Reinstall the bellcrank in
the CORRECT orientation. Be sure all
spacers and washers are returned to
their original position. Use new nylon
stop nuts and torque to the appropriate
values. Verify bellcrank rotates freely
and no bolts interfere with bellcrank
mount struts.