Getting started – TL Audio A2 User Manual
Page 15

characteristics of the signal.
Digital Output.
The digital output is an option for the Ebony A2. The card converts the analogue
signal at 24-bit resolution and is selectable to 44.1 or 48 kHz sample rates. The digital
connector is a coaxial SPDIF format on an RCA phono type connector. The card also
has a word clock BNC connector for clocking to an external digital source. This is
useful for ‘slaving’ the Ebony A2 A/D card to an existing digital setup without the
Ebony A2 needing to be the digital master in the system.
Output Peak LED.
Each channel has an output Peak LED adjacent to the VU meter. These LEDs
complement the average reading VU meter, and are useful for monitoring the output
prior to sending to a DAW, for example. The Peak LEDs illuminate at an output level
of +19dBu.
The Ebony A2 can be used for Compressing and Equalising a single mono or stereo
signals, and features a single set of controls to ensure accuracy when used in stereo