TC-Helicon VoicePro Addendum User Manual

Voicepro v1.20 addendum, New features and fixes

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This document is an addendum to the existing VoicePro

v1.00 manual detailing new features and new factory

presets available in software version 1.20.

New features and fixes

Overall pitch detection has been improved resulting in

smoother pitch shifting in VirtuaLead and Harmony paths.

This extends to the Inflection and Vibrato blocks as well.

Low frequency pitch detection extended for smoother

shifting of deep input voices.

Faster preset loading

Extended Factory and Preset banks to 275 presets each.

Added 25 new Factory presets based on user requests.

Transducer routing change crossfade added. This silences

an infrequent noise burst when changing the Transducer

routing parameter.

Portamento in VirtuaLead pitch shift block improved when

using MIDI to provide target notes.

Out-of-range pitch shift intervals that occured when

triggered by MIDI capped to prevent system slowdowns.

New Factory Presets 251-275

251. Go Deep 2

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

This preset uses pure instrumental (non-formant corrected)

shifting for the smoothest downwards pitch shift possible at

the expense, or the beneficial creation of, formant shifting

artifacts. Voiceover customers wanted a recreation of high

quality non-formant corrected pitch shifting sounds so they

could growl and snarl into the product and have those non-

pitched sounds be shifted as well.

252. Smooth Helium

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

This is similar to Go Deep 2 in that it uses pure

instrumental shifting but it is intended to create the

smoothest upshifts available today. The beauty of this

preset is that sibilants, which normally sound heavily

aliased when shifted up, sound more natural due to the fact

that they are shifted a smaller interval than the pitched

portion of the vocal sound. Also, TC-Helicon’s high

accuracy pitch detection and shifting algorithm yields a

quality audio result.

253. Odd Crowd

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

This is a special FX preset designed for voiceover work

that combines the Harmony and VirtuaLead shifting paths

and the Inflection block to create a wide stereo “Monsters

talking at a party” effect.

254. Talking At Once

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

The Inflection block creates a “second take” effect on the

opposite side from the input voice.

255. Instant Crowd Walla

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

Feed in a voiceover track and out comes the sound of a

crowd scene for movie soundtrack work. Two of the Edit

Knobs are mapped to EQ gain to dull the High end of the

two paths used to make the effect.

256. Radio DJ

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

The Transducer and Pitch Shift blocks are used to produce

the sound of an announcer voice coming out of a radio.

The hiss and hum can be reduced or increased with the

Edit Knobs.

257. Face Lift 2

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Pitch & Time

This preset is great for deepening spoken voice. It uses a

small amount of downwards pitch shifting combined with

formant manipulation to achieve a confidence-inspiring

voiceover effect.

258. Speaker Phone

Browser Source - Speaking

Application - Transducer

This could be equally suitable for sung vocals or

soundtrack work. It uses the Transducer block and a little

bit of room ambience from the Reverb block. The Edit

Knobs give you lots of control of distortion and band shape.

259. Phone Correction

Browser Source - Singing

Application - Correction

Appropriate for an interesting breakdown section in a pop

song, this combination of hard correction and band-limited

telephone effect can be set to the key and scale of the

song using the Edit Knobs. You can soften the correction

effect by turning the Attack Time setting to ~20 or so.

260. Rap Group

Browser Source - Singing

Application - Doubling

Not intended for singing! This preset is intended for