TC-Helicon VoiceDoubler Manual User Manual

Page 14

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between 0 and the value you have set in this
screen and applies it to the overdub voice. 200
ms of delay is offered and this can sound
sloppy if this in the intention. Note that the
maximum time delay set in any of the four
voices will be applied to the dry voice in
certain conditions. For more detail on this, see
descriptions of screens S1 and S2.


Time Rate - The timing of the overdub voices
can also be randomized during the sustained
portion of sung notes. This parameter sets the
rate at which the delay is modulated from no
delay to the maximum set in the Time Random
parameter. At maximum percentage settings,
this effect sounds like hesitant stuttering, but at
medium settings, a natural timing slew is
introduced sounding much like real singers
would in performance.

Pitch Group


Pitch Randomization - A randomizing algorithm
modulates the pitch of each overdub voice to
simulate the sliding pitch differences occuring
when people sing together or when singers
overdub themselves. The value range spans
zero to 600 cents or 6 semitones. This is much
wider than required for typical singing,
however it is useful for shouted effects or
unique special effects. The speed of the pitch
modulation is controlled by the Pitch Rate
parameter detailed below.


Pitch Rate - This parameter sets the speed of
the Pitch Random effect. It is expressed in
percentage as opposed to Hz (cycles per
second) because it too is randomized. Note
that a higher rate setting will “disguise” large
amounts of Pitch Random because the shifted
pitch lingers at its widest only for a moment.
The opposite is also true; a slow pitch
modulation will tend to sound more out of tune
if the Pitch Random is set wide.


Gender Amount - “Gender” also known as
“formant shifting” is used to describe the effect
where the timbre of the overdub voice is
nudged in a more female, thinner direction or
in more of a male or deeper direction. This
effect can be applied to an unshifted overdub
voice to make it sound like a slightly different
take or person performing the overdub. When
used on an octave-shifted voice, it can add


Scoop - The Scoop algorithm adds a pitch
event to the onset of the overdub voices to
simulate different takes or singers. While the
actual shape of the scoop is contained in the
current Overdub Style, the value of the
beginning of the pitch swing is presented for
editing in this screen. The range of values is 0
to +/- 500 cents (5 semitones). Negative
values mean that the pitch starts lower than
the input and ramps up and positive values
mean a downwards ramp. A value of 0 can
indicate that scooping is randomized but only
when Scoop Time is at a non-zero value.


Scoop Time - This screen allows you to control
the onset event’s duration from 0 to 1600
milliseconds. A value of 0 for this parameter
disengages the effect.


Scoop Random - A value of 100% varies
Scoop parameters by the full amount specified
in the Overdub Style. This setting allows you to
reduce randomness if you prefer.

Energy Random Group


Energy Randomization - This allows you to
introduce a randomized level modulation to the
overdub voices to increase realism. In this
screen, you set the maximum amount of swing