TC-Helicon VoiceDoubler Addendum User Manual

Voicedoubler v1.20 addendum

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This document is an addendum to the existing

VoiceDoubler v1.00 manual detailing the new features and

factory presets available in software version 1.20.


1. Introduction to new features

2. New presets list and descriptions

New Features

VoiceDoubler’s edit menu is divided into groups indicated

by the characters in the LED window. The following

parameters have been inserted into the Pitch edit group P

and the System edit group S.


Portamento Time

0-500ms in 10ms increments

Preset parameter

Those familiar with synthesizers will be familiar with the

term Portamento. Also known as Glide, this is a feature

that slows down the time it takes to change pitch from note

to note. This feature can add realism to VoiceDoubler’s

overdub voices by introducing subtle pitch differences

between the dry singers’s voice and the overdub voices. As

the singer moves through sustained note transitions, the

pitch will glide gently from note to note. No effect is heard

between sung notes that stop and start.

Many factory presets in version 1.20 use Portamento. The

Portamento setting is controlled along with the other pitch-

based parameters by the PITCH edit knob in Preset mode.

This allows you to adjust it without having to enter Edit

mode if you prefer.

In the edit menu, Portamento is expressed in milliseconds.

On sung melodies with fast tempo and wide intervals, lower

values (<100ms) work fine but on slow tempo, narrow

intervals you can use higher values.

All four overdub voices are controlled by the one

Portamento parameter value so they all will reach notes at

the same rate.


Gate Threshold

Off, -60 to 0dB in 1dB increments

System parameter

The Gate parameter was added to help silence

VoiceDoubler’s overdub voices during times when the band

is playing but the singer is not singing. At these times,

VoiceDoubler searches for pitches to lock onto in order to

create the overdub effect which can cause low level

chattering. If this is noticeable in your performance

environment, the Gate can be utilized to minimize it.

This parameter will not mute the Dry Voice signal path

through VoiceDoubler if it is enabled. Also, the path from the

dry voice through the µMod effect is never muted by the


The value of this parameter sets the threshold level

required to allow audio to pass through VoiceDoubler. At

values from say, -60 to -15dB, very quiet sounds will open

the gate. Between -15dB and 0dB, increasingly strong

signals will be required. Note that “ess” sounds and voiced

sounds are sensed differently by the gate. Higher threshold

settings that work for sung melodies may actually mute

esses so you may need to lower the threshold a few dB to

allow them to be heard.

As with most noise gate products, its effect is not perfect.

Some noises will slip through and some low level sung

passages may be muted. Gate Threshold should be re-

checked at every sound check and during performance to

ensure that every word and syllable is heard.