TC-Helicon VoiceWorks Sysex Manual User Manual

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TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies

Example – Control Voice #4 bypass state (observe the LED on the fourth Voice Key)

F0 00 01 38 00 4C 22 00 44 00 00 F7
F0 = SysEx start.
00 = Byte 1 of 3 byte manufacturer’s ID for TC-Helicon.
01 = Byte 2 of 3 byte manufacturer’s ID for TC-Helicon.
38 = Byte 3 of 3 byte manufacturer’s ID for TC-Helicon.
00 = Sysex Device ID (defaolt value of 0).
4C = VoiceWorks model ID.
22 = VoiceWorks Message Type Identifier (Parameter Data Identifier)
00 = Parameter Group ID.
44 = Parameter ID for Voice #4 bypass state
00 = Parameter Data MSB (Most significant bit).
00 = Parameter Data LSB (Least signicant bit). Value, 0 decimal.
F7 = SysEx message end.

Shift Map Data -



(Note: Shift Map data is represented differently than when it is a part of a preset dump)
is 48 bytes. Each byte represents the shift mapping for the respective note in the
chromatic scale. A value of 0 is equivalent to –24 semitones (down two octaves), 1A (26 in
decimal) is equivalent to +2 semitones (up two semitones), 30 (48 in decimal) is equivalent to +24
semitones (up two octaves), and 36 (54 in decimal) is equivalent to N/C (no change). Consult the
VoiceWorks manual for a complete description of the Shift Map user parameter. If any entry in the
shift map is beyond the limits the message will be ignored. (This data differs from the when
included in a preset dump because it’s not packed the same way and does not have the 0x32
offset applied. It’s easier to read and manipulate in this format).

Song Data - 12:
is 138 bytes. The first byte specifies the song number (from 0 to 49). The next 16 bytes
specify the 16 character song name. The next 120 bytes represent the song data. Each step of
the song is represented by a 24-bit word that is packed into 4 7-bit bytes as described in the data
section. 30 steps multiplied by 4 bytes per step gives 120 bytes total. The final byte is a
checksum that is calculated from the 120 bytes of song data.

24 bit Word Step Format

a=preset number, b=root, c=type (chord or scale number, see VoiceWorks Manual for details),
d=mode (scale=0, chord=1, shift=2, notes=3), e=status *

* status: A song starts with the first step and ends with the first step that has 0x0 for its status.
All active song steps must have 0x2 for their status, all unused steps must have 0x0 for their

Setup Data - 13:
is 197 bytes. All 49 x 24bit setup parameters are sent packed into 196 7-bit bytes as
described in the data packing section. A checksum calculated from all 49 parameters makes up
the last byte.