Studio Electronics Boomstar Modular User Manual

Page 20

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Patch It Up

Six patch points: INPUT, ST1 CV1, ST1 CV2, ST2 CV1, ST2 CV2, OUTPUT direct the deepest manipulation.


All Controls and Patch Points

INPUT FREQUENCY – Oscillator frequency attenuator.
NORMAL / LOW RANGE – Oscillator domain switch.
TUNE – Oscillator fine-tune attenuverter.
PULSE WIDTH – Variable pulse wave width control.
SINE – Sine wave on/off.
TRI – Triangle wave on/off.
SAW – Sawtooth wave on/off.
SQR – Square (pulse) wave on/off.
FM CV IN – Frequency Modulation control voltage input attenuverter.
SUB LEVEL – Sub (one octave down) level attenuator.
1 V/O – One volt per octave control voltage input.
FM IN – Frequency Modulation control voltage input.
SYNC IN – Oscillator Sync control voltage input.
PW IN – Pulse Width control voltage input.