Oscillation module – Studio Electronics Boomstar Modular User Manual

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Tim Caswell unplugged: “Another hybrid, utilizing an exponential current source similar the the ones from ARP and

Oberheim, followed by wave shaping circuits adapted from the 2nd generation MiniMoog oscillator board, and

incorporating waveform mixing circuits pioneered by SE. This provides a large variety of tones that would otherwise

require several patch cords and an external mixer. With a two oscillator system, that's 9 or 10 patch cords and an 8

input mixer. Modest current draw, evenly from plus and minus.”


TC continuing: “What’s nice about our OSCILLATION stunner is that “the waveforms are DC-coupled [components

connected directly together without coupling capacitors], so they keep their shape even at sub-Hz speeds. The

outputs are also buffered, so the amplitude is independent of the load they are driving. The waveform levels on some

modern eurorack OSCs are often all different, and they vary depending if they go into the mixer or directly to the

filter!” Coupling the circuitry without capacitors in-line allows the full spectrum of sound frequencies to pass through.


Potentiometer Potential

Six attenuation pots control the FREQUENCY, TUNE, PW CV IN, PUSLE WIDTH, FM CV IN, and SUB LEVEL for

smooth, detailed, and complex expression, and sweeping expression.


Switch It Up

NORMAL and LOW RANGE - wide sweeping audio frequencies, or clicks (respectively) for creating a rhythmic pulse or

sweep; SINE, TRI, SAW, SQR - your friendly waveform on and offs.