Studio Electronics C.O.D.E. User Manual

Page 7

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page 1: [ON] glide on / off, **[TYP] linear or exponential glide response, [MDE] in regular mode
glide is active with every key trigger, in legato mode, glide is active only between legato notes,
[DST] destinations for glide.
page 2: [GLS] glissando or quantized glide on / off, [AUT] auto glide on / off, [INT] auto glide
interval, [DYN] dynamic sensitivity to auto glide interval.
pan (the x10 value moves for these pages are helpful - hold solo then rotate encoder)
page 1: The position of each voice in the stereo field, minus- left, plus+ right.
page 2: The rate of each voice’s pan LFO.
page 3: The depth of each voice’s pan LFO.
page 4: [WAVE] waveform of all pan LFOs, [KEY] key trigger modes for pan LFOs, [CLK] midi
clock synchronization times for pan LFOs.
page 1: [UNI] quantity of voices triggered when unison mode is on, [VMODE] first available
voice or voice cycle mode, [PRIOR] note priority modes.
page 2: [OCT] overall pitch transpose, [MTRIG] multiple trigger response for the envelopes.
unison: unison mode on / off. Number of voices triggered selected on keyboard edit page 1.
The unison button also sends an all notes off message when pressed.
Press to cycle through the midi controllers. Dynamics, modwheel, and pressure have two
destinations and depths. Bender modulates oscillator frequency and filter cutoff frequency.
Cont1 allows an additional two destinations for modwheel pressure, or breath
Controller. Cont2 allows an additional two destinations for dynamics and key tracking.
Note: Cont2 allows for positive and negative modulation.
(midi) - edit
page 1: [CON1] modulator assignment for cont1, [CON2] modulator assignment fro cont2.

page 1: name patch page.
page 2: [CHAN] midi channel assignment, [TUNE] accu-tune percentage (100% is full strength
lesser settings randomize tuning or intentional out of tuneness), [INIT] sets current patch to
basic default settings, will not erase over current patch unless save procedure is carried out.
page 3: [MPRO] memory protect, ON1 knobs will not respond, ON2 no editing can be done,
**[KNOB] knob response modes, [LCD] sets display contrast, “0” being most sharp.
page 4: initiates system exclusive dump procedure, select individual patch or entire bank.

NOTE: Regarding dynamics modulation of a given parameter. When using dynamics to modulate any
destination the last dynamic value played will stay with that destination unless a zero dynamic value is
sent or the selected destination is edited from the front panel or at its on screen cursor location. Changing
the destination or setting the amount to 0 does not send a zero dynamics value to the parameter. This
only applies if after selecting a dynamics destination a dynamic value is sent via your keyboard or
sequencer. If you are playing while you are scrolling through the destinations dynamic values will be sent
to those parameters affecting their values in the edit buffer. Scrolling through the destination list while no
dynamics value is being sent does not affect the parameters. This will also occur with the mod wheel if
you do not move the wheel to the zero position before you change destinations.

NOTE: Cont1 and Cont2 modulation depths override duplicate assignments in the dedicated dynamics,
modwheel, and after touch edit pages. Confusing, yes, because you can assign the same destination to
any modulator. Keep track of your modulators when programming.