Envelopes – Studio Electronics C.O.D.E. User Manual

Page 11

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attack x3: attack time, the first stage in the envelope in which the initial rise in filter frequency
(env1), volume (env2), or as assigned (env3) rises to peak at the adjusted rate.
decay x3: decay time, second stage in the envelope in which peak levels of filter frequency
(env1), volume (env2), or assigned (env3) falls from peak to the sustain level.
sustain x3:
level to which the filter frequency (env1), volume (env2), or assigned (env3) falls to
at the end of the decay time.
release x3:
release time, the final stage in the envelope in which after the key is released, the
rate at which the sustain level falls to zero.
env 1 amnt:
the amount or depth of envelope 1 applied to the filter frequency.
env 3 amnt:
the amount or depth of envelope 3 (destination one only) applied to the selected
destination. Destinations two and three are adjusted via the Q dial.
page 1: envelope 3 destinations and amounts.
page 2: [DKY2] x3 envelopes 1,2 &3 ( from left to right) decay 2 time. Decay 2 is an additional
stage only active if a value greater then zero is set, it determines the time it takes while holding
a note, for the sustain level to reach zero.
page 3: [DYN] x3 dynamic sensitivity amounts for envelopes 1,2 & 3 ( from left to right).
page 4: [DLAY1] delay time to the start of env 1, [DLAY3] delay time to the start of envelope 3.

Envelope 3 can modulate up to three different destinations. If a same destination is selected in
more than one location, the location furthest left will override and determine the ultimate depth.

Envelope 3 destinations:

FRE1 - osc 1 frequency

FRE2 - osc 2 frequency

1&2F - osc 1&2 frequency

LEV1 - osc 1 level

LEV2 - osc 2 level

PW1 - osc 1 pulse width

PW2 - osc 2 pulse width

1&2P - osc 1&2 pulse width FILT - filter frequency

RESO - filter resonance

LEVN - noise level

XMOD - xmod depth

EXT - ext input mix level LF1R - LFO 1 rate

LF2R - LFO2 rate

LF1D - LFO 1 depth

LF2D - LFO 2 depth

1&2D - LFO 1&2 depth

1&2R - LFO 1&2 rate