CABCONS1716I User Manual
Page 26

Instruction Manual
SNMP: The SNMP menu allows you to configure the CABCONS1716I so it can be
recognized and managed using industry standard Simple Network Management
Protocol software.
RADIUS: The RADIUS server requires the IP address, the UDP port number (1812 -
default or 1645) and the shared secret.
The shared secret is used to encrypt communications and corresponds to a shared
password for the RADIUS server and the client machine. Two additional servers may
be defined for backup purposes. Each server will be tried in order, using the indicated
number of retries and timeout period, which are configurable on the same page.
Remember to enable RADIUS after configuring it. While RADIUS authentication is
enabled, the locally defined accounts on the Server Remote Control unit will not be
used, except for the SSH login. However, if a user name in the form “name.local” is
given at the RADIUS prompt, the system will use “name”; check the password locally,
and skip RADIUS authentication. Delete all local accounts to avoid this behavior. When
connecting via VNC, a login screen is generated that asks for a RADIUS username
and password.
Modem: Enable this to allow the modem to answer the phone and start a PPP
connection. Enable modem connections (PPP) via serial port/modem.
Serial Ports: The Serial Ports menu allows you to manage and connect to devices
connected to the unit using the R-Port on the CABCONS1716I.
Time/Date: Date and time are stored without consideration for time zone. If you
are controlling multiple sites in different time zones, we recommend you use UTC
(Universal Coordinated Time, also sometimes called GMT or Zulu) for all machines.