Related system equipment – Specialty Concepts LPU User Manual
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The SC2 is an integral part of a solar electric power system that includes a solar panel, a battery and a load. These
items should be installed according to the instructions provided by the equipment supplier, and this manual
assumes that the rest of the equipment installation has been properly completed.
PANELS: The SC2 is compatible with all makes and models of PV panels, provided the open circuit voltage and the
maximum power current of the solar panel does not exceed the maximum open circuit voltage (Array Voltage,
Max Voc) and the maximum charge current (Charge Current, Max) specifications for the SC2 being used.
BATTERIES: The standard SC2 is designed to be used with the most common lead-acid batteries. These are wet
cell batteries using pure lead, lead antinomy and/or lead calcium grids.
The standard charging set points should be adjusted when using sealed, maintenance free batteries, or
vented pocket plate nickel-cadmium batteries. This will maximize performance and battery life. Adjustments in
set points may be made on SC2 models with the Adjustability option. For these batteries, consult the battery
manufacturer for recommended set points and refer to Table 1 (OPTIONS section) for appropriate settings.
LOADS: The load is considered the item or equipment that the PV system is powering. System loads such as lights,
radios, DC/AC inverters, etc. must be rated for the proper DC input voltage. DC loads not exceeding the rated
SC2 load current (see specification section) can be connected to the load terminals of the SC2, which provides
an additional connection to battery plus and minus for convenience. Higher current, or inductive loads such as
pumps, motors or inverters should be connected directly to the battery, using properly rated over-current
protection devices (fuses or circuit breakers).
OTHER CHARGING SOURCES: Do not use the SC2 to regulate a power source other than a solar panel, such as a
hydro or wind generator/alternator or an AC battery charger. This could result in damage to the SC2 and/or the
generating equipment. Connect other charging sources with their own regulation devices directly to the battery,
using properly rated over-current protection devices.
Note: The SC2 and solar panel can remain connected to a battery being charged by other sources,
(alternator, battery charger, etc.) without damage to the control or solar panel.