Scene viewer – Source Audio Soundblox Hub Manager User Manual

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Source Audio Soundblox Hub Manager User Guide

Page 6 of 15

Scene Viewer

The Scene Viewer contains pedal settings for one or more connected pedals. These scenes are recalled
in hardware when a corresponding MIDI program change message is sent to the hub. Up to 128 scenes
may be stored in the hub’s memory.

Scene Selector

The scene selector is a drop-down menu that provides access to all 128 scenes currently stored within
the hub’s memory. Selecting a scene will load it into the scene viewer, and it will also cause the hub to
download the scene information to the connected pedals.

Save Scene

If you have made changes to a scene, click the Save Scene button to save your changes to the same
memory location.

Save Scene As…

If you wish to save the scene to a new memory location, click the Save Scene As… button and choose a
new location to store the scene. Doing so will overwrite whatever scene was previously saved in that
location, so use caution not to overwrite scenes that you haven’t backed up.

Import Scene

Imports scene data from a backup scene file (*.scn) stored on your hard drive. This is useful for loading
one of your favorite scenes or trying out a scene you received from a friend. Upon clicking this button,
you will be prompted to locate the scene file on your computer.