Main menu – Source Audio Soundblox Hub Manager User Manual

Page 13

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Source Audio Soundblox Hub Manager User Guide

Page 13 of 15

Hot Hand Smoothing

The amount of smoothing (between 0 and 255) applied to the Hot Hand signal by the smoothing filter.
This effectively adjusts the Hot Hand ring’s sensitivity to motion.

Hot Hand X Calibration

The center point (between 0 and 1023) of the Hot Hand X axis, used in calibrating the resting position
for the Hot Hand ring.

Hot Hand Y Calibration

The center point (between 0 and 1023) of the Hot Hand Y axis, used in calibrating the resting position for
the Hot Hand ring.

Current Preset

Denotes which preset on the pedal is currently selected. In the case of Soundblox 2 pedals, 0 represents
the left footswitch and 1 represents the right footswitch.

Main Menu

The main menu contains basic functionality in three categories: hub, pedal, and help.

Hub Menu

The hub menu contains functions related to the scene memory and firmware of the hub.

Import Scene List

Imports a scene collection file (*.scl) and downloads it to the hub’s scene memory. Use this function if
you have stored a complete collection of scenes on your hard drive and you want to download all of
them to the hub.


Using the import scene list command will overwrite the entire contents of your hub. Make

sure to create a backup of your hub’s memory using the Export Scene List function before importing a
new scene list and overwriting the hub’s memory.

Import Scene List

Exports the entire contents of the hub’s scene memory to a scene collection (*.scl) file on the hard drive.
This is an easy way to create a backup of the contents of your hub’s memory. Upon selecting this
function, you will be prompted to enter a filename and choose a directory for storing the scene
collection file.