Manta pg25, Universal bypass – Source Audio Soundblox 2 Manta Bass Filter User Manual

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Universal Bypass | 25


Most effect pedals offer either true or buffered bypass. All Soundblox 2

pedals offer Universal Bypass, which allows you to select between the two.

We recommend that you choose between the MANTA’s active analog (a.k.a.

buffered bypass) and relay-based true bypass (a.k.a. true bypass) based on

what is needed in your pedalboard’s signal chain. Ideally, the first pedal in a

signal chain is a buffered input followed by true bypass in the rest of the

signal chain.

By default, the Soundblox 2 MANTA Bass Filter is set to use the relay-based

true bypass. To switch the pedal to buffered bypass, press and hold the right

footswitch when powering up the pedal. Continue to hold the footswitch

until the corresponding LED blinks 3 times. The pedal is now in buffered

bypass. To switch back to true bypass, press and hold the left footswitch

while powering up the pedal.

Both bypass methods have pros and cons associated with them. Buffered

bypass provides consistent input impedance so that if the input is

susceptible to variations in input impedance (similar to a guitar pickup),

there won’t be a noticeable change in tone. True bypass has the benefit of

providing a dedicated hardwired bypass signal path; however, it can cause

clicks and pops, and typically requires a mechanically complex 3P3T (3-pole,

3-throw) switch. Soundblox 2’s special relay-based true bypass eliminates

the need for the 3P3T switch and thus the popping/clicking problem.