Solvline LemonIDE Ver 1.0c User Manual

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Chapter 3. Installing LemonIDE Windows

As this manual’s instructions are based on Eddy DK Source, add application & firmware image space under DK

Source directory(Workspace) as projects.

LemonIDE project can be classified into one of the following four categories depending whether makefile is created

and whether C or C++ program is used.

Standard Make C Project

Standard Make C ++ Project

Project based on C or C++ where existing makefile is used

LemonIDE Make C Project

LemonIDE Make C++ Project

Project based on C or C++ where makefile is automatically



Links to libraries are common in ordinary developing environment, and most Open Sources

provide makefile. Hence use of Standard type project is recommended. Provided DK Source
also includes makefile definitions. Explanation on this manual will be based on Standard
typed project.

To create a “Standard Make C++ Project” or “Standard C Project”, select “File” Æ “New” Æ “Project”

Æ “LemonIDE Application” Æ “Standard Make C++ Project” or “Standard C Project” or “File” Æ

“New” Æ “Standard C++Project”/“Standard C Project” from LemonIDE title menu.

Type in “src” for Project Name and click “Finish” to enlist an Eddy application project.

“src” is an application directory enlisted as a Eddy_DK_2xx’s Workspace.

Type in “ramdisk” for Project Name and click “Finish” to enlist a project to be used as File System Image Works in

the same manner.

If all procedures were carried out correctly, Workspace “Eddy_DK_2xx” should display two projects, “src” and

“ramdisk” as shown in the image below.
