General aspects of the pda program – Scientech PDA User Manual

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Information icon

Press this icon to get information about the topic you are using at any time in the program.


Save icon

Press this icon to save the displayed information to the clipboard.

When an underlined text area proceeds the save icon, you can enter any text or numeric information.

1. Tap on the line to get a cursor. …l……………

2. Tap on the

graffiti icon to make the PDA keyboard appear. Type in your message, then press Done.

3.Tapto save your message to the clipboard.

Menu pull down icon.


Add time/date

Saves all data in the clipboard to a new record in
the print buffer and clears clipboard

Clears everything from the clipboard.

View - shows the contents of the clipboard.

Adds a single line of current time and date
to the clipboard

Tap anywhere on the screen and the pull down menu will disappear.

Print Buffer

Tap the Print Buffer box and the print buffer screen will appear. The buffer will display the number of
records in the print buffer waiting to be deleted or downloaded. You can view each record by pressing the
left or right arrows to proceed backward or forward through the saved records.

Tapping the Del box will only delete the current record showing.

Tapping the Del All box will delete all records in the print buffer. Once you have downloaded all records,
you must manually use the Del All box to clear out the print buffer.