Scientech PDA User Manual
Page 18

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When gold items are placed on the pan, the price will be displayed.
To return the balance to normal operating mode, press Clear Modes .
These conversion multipliers can also be stored in any of the storage registers 0 through 49 and recalled when desired.
Gold chain is being sold at $40.00 per gram. The wholesaler wants to display first the weight of the gold chain in
grams and then the price.
1. Enter $40.00 as a multiplier into storage register 16 by Pressing
40.00 , SPACE , ENTER , SPACE , CONV , SPACE , 16 , SPACE , STORE , Send To Balance to store the multiplier in
register 16.
2. Select the grams mode via the balance front panel. The balance will now weigh in grams.
To recall storage register 16 and multiply this conversion constant times the display value
press 16 , SPACE , RECALL , SPACE , CONV , Send To Balance
To return the balance to normal operating mode, press Clear Modes