PS Engineering PAC24 Pilot’s Guide User Manual

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PAC24-Series Pilot Guide

mode switch that allows the crew to tailor the intercom function to best
meet the current cockpit situation.

Single Installation Intercom Modes



: The pilot is isolated from the intercom and is connected only to the

aircraft radio system. He will hear the selected aircraft radio reception
(and sidetone during radio transmissions). The copilot will hear passen-
gers’ intercom and entertainment, while passengers will hear copilot,
intercom and entertainment.


: All parties will hear the aircraft radio and intercom. All will hear

entertainment. During any radio or intercom communications, the mu-
sic volume automatically decreases. The music volume increases gradu-
ally back to the original level after communications have been



: Pilot copilot and passengers are

connected on one intercom channel and
have access to the selected aircraft ra-
dios. They may also listen to Entertain-

ment. In a single panel installation without expansion, the passengers
will also hear what the copilot hears

Dual Installation Intercom Modes



: The primary pilot connected to the PAC24 is isolated from the in-

tercom and is connected only to the aircraft radio system. He will hear
the selected aircraft radio reception (and sidetone during radio transmis-
sions). The crewmember on the other audio panel will hear locally se-
lected radio audio, passengers’ intercom and entertainment, while pas-
sengers will hear the radio, intercom and entertainment.


: All parties will hear the aircraft radio and intercom. All will hear

entertainment. During any radio or intercom communications, the mu-
sic volume automatically decreases. The music volume increases gradu-
ally back to the original level after communications have been com-


: Pilot and copilot are connected on one intercom channel and

have exclusive access to the locally selected aircraft radios. They may
also listen to Entertainment. Passengers can continue to communicate
with themselves without interrupting the Crew and also may listen to