PS Engineering PAC24 Pilot’s Guide User Manual
Page 7

Revision 4, April 2009
Page 7
PAC24-Series Pilot Guide
Intercom Operation
IntelliVox® VOX-Squelch
No adjustment of the IntelliVox® squelch control is necessary. There is
no field adjustment. Through individual signal processors, the ambient
noise appearing in all six microphones is constantly being sampled.
Non-voice signals are blocked. When someone speaks, only their mi-
crophone circuit opens, placing their voice on the intercom.
The system is designed to block continuous tones, therefore people
humming or whistling in monotone may be blocked after a few mo-
For consistent performance, any headset microphone must be placed
within ¼-inch of your lips, preferably against them. (ref: RTCA/DO-
214, (a)).
It is also a good idea to keep the microphone out of a direct wind path.
Moving your head through a vent air stream may cause the IntelliVox®
to open momentarily. This is normal.
The IntelliVox® is designed to work with normal aircraft cabin noise
levels (70 dB and above). It loves airplane noise! Therefore, it may not
recognize speech and clip syllables in a quiet cabin, such as in the han-
gar, or without the engine running. This is normal.
For optimum microphone performance, PS Engineering recommends
installation of a Microphone Muff Kit from Oregon Aero (1-800-888-
6910). This will not only optimize VOX performance, but will improve
the overall clarity of all your communications.
Volume Control (3)
The volume control is a con-
centric knob. The inner knob
adjusts the loudness of the in-
tercom for the pilot (in single
panel installation) and the outer
knob controls copilot and pas-
senger volume. It has no effect
on selected radio levels or music input levels.
In dual installation, the inner knob controls the main volume (the per-
son connected to the audio panel) and the outer knob controls the pas-
Intercom Modes (5)
The lower switch on the left side of the audio panel is a 3-position