Pivotal Powersports Recommended Mounting Locations User Manual

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Red dots indicate mounting locations

Here are some great places to install the lights on your new LED Lighting Kit…

Inside the front and rear fenders.

Inside intake and air ducts of the fairings.

Along the bottom of the motorcycle to give it that “floating effect”.

Under the fuel tank and/ or above the heads of a twin motor.

Along the bottom of the windshield facing up to illuminate the glass.

Tip: To hide the wires from the lights on the front fender, run the wires up the inside of

the brake line to keep them out of sight.

Remember, these are just recommendations; you can install these lights in any location

to fit your specific needs. For best results, install lights in pairs, for example, if you install
a light on one side of the fender, install another light on the opposite side of the fender

as well.

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