Changing the camera angle, To turn off the angle number indication, To disable the angle icon display on the tv – Philips DVD850AT99 User Manual
Page 28: I notes, Selecting the camera angle
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Advanced Playback J
Selecting the Camera Angle
Angle: 1
Angle: 2
A preferred angle can be selected from several angles.
Changing the Camera Angle
If the scene was recorded from multiple angles, you can easily change the camera angle of the scene you are watching.
To turn off the angle number indication
® § ®
Press ANGLE whiie playing a scene
recorded with muitipie angies.
While playing a scene recorded with multiple
angles, the angle icon (P^) appears in the
DVD display and on the TV screen.
Press the ANGLE button while the angle icon
is displayed.
Press ANGLE or ▲ while the angle
number appears on the TV screen.
Each time you press the ANGLE or ▲ button,
the camera angle changes.
Angle: D
Angle: @
T: Cycles backward
You can change the camera angle directly by
pressing the number buttons corresponding
to its angle number instead of using the
A /
T buttons.
Hold down RETURN/CLEAR for longer than
one second.
To disable the angle icon display on the TV
From the on-screen displays, set “On-Screen Displays” to
“Off.” ID HD
Monitor the DVD display when you want to change the
camera angle.
I Notes ^
’ You can change the camera angle during still playback. The camera angle changes to the new setting when you resume normal playback.
If you pause a picture immediately after changing a camera angle, the resumed playback picture may not display the new camera angle.