Tv activation time settings, Tv deactivation time settings, Auto tv deactivation time settings – COBY electronic TF-TV3709 User Manual
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TV Activation Time Settings
You can set a time for the TV to automatically turn-on.
Press [MENU]. -The menu will appear.
Press [
] to move to <Setup>, then press [OK].
-The <Setup> Menu will appear.
Press [
] to move to <Time>, then press [OK].
-The <Time> Menu will appear.
Press [
] to move to <On Time>, then press [OK].
-The <On Time> Menu will appear.
Press [
], [¥] to set the <AM/PM>, <hours>, <minutes>,
<channel>, <volume> and <time period to turn-on>.
Press [EXIT] to exit the menu.
Useful Tips
☛ TThhee ttuurrnn oonn ppeerriioodd ccaann bbee sseett ttoo < On nccee> >.. ■ < Caan ncceell> > :: A Au utto om maattiicc ttu urrn n--o on n w wiillll bbee ddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd.. ■ < On nccee> > :: T Th hee T TV V aau utto om maattiiccaallllyy ttu urrn nss o on n O ON NC CE E aatt tth hee sseett ttiim mee.. ■ < Evveerryyddaayy> > :: T Th hee T TV V w wiillll ttu urrn n o on n eevveerryyddaayy aatt tth hee sseett ttiim mee.. TV Deactivation Time Settings You can select the time to turn off the TV. Press [ ] to move to <Off Time>, then press [OK]. -The <Off Time> Menu will appear. Press [ ], [¥] to set the <AM/PM>, <hours>, <minutes> and <turn-off period>. Press [EXIT] to exit the menu. 4 5 6 Useful Tips ☛ TThhee ttuurrnn--ooffff ppeerriioodd ccaann bbee sseett ttoo < On nccee> >.. ■ < Caan ncceell> > :: T Th hee T TV V ttu urrn n--o offff ttiim mee iiss ddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd.. ■ < On nccee> > :: T Th hee T TV V w wiillll ttu urrn n o offff O On nccee aatt tth hee sseett ttiim mee.. ■ < Evveerryyddaayy> > :: T Th hee T TV V w wiillll ttu urrn n o offff eevveerryyddaayy aatt tth hee sseett ttiim mee.. Auto TV Deactivation Time Settings If there is no signal on the TV for 15 minutes or more, or if no button is pressed for more than 3 hours, this function turns off the TV automatically. Press [ ] to move to <Auto Off>, then press [OK]. -The <Auto Off> Menu will appear. Press [ ] to select <On>. Press [EXIT] to exit the menu. 4 5 6 Useful Tips ☛ IIff < maattiicc ttuurrnn--ooffff> > iiss aaccttiivvee,, tthheenn tthhee TTV V w wiillll ttuurrnn ooffff w whheenn tthheerree iiss nnoo ssiiggnnaall oonn tthhee TTV V oorr tthheerree iiss nnoo eexxtteerrnnaall iinnppuutt ssiiggnnaall ffoorr 1155 m miinnuutteess oorr m moorree.. ☛ IIff < maattiicc ttuurrnn--ooffff> > iiss aaccttiivvee aanndd tthhee TTV V iiss ttuurrnneedd oonn bbyy tthhee < > ooppttiioonn aanndd nnoo bbuuttttoonn iiss pprreesssseedd ffoorr 33 hhoouurrss,, tthhee TTV V w wiillll aauuttoom maattiiccaallllyy ttuurrnn ooffff..