Continental Refrigerator Undercounter Refrigerator and Freezer Pizza Preparation Table User Manual
Page 17
All freezer models are equipped with an automatic, electric defrost system consisting
of an electric evaporator coil heater, evaporator drain pan heater, automatic electric
defrost time clock, and defrost high limit switch. The defrost system is time initiated
by the time clock and temperature terminated by the high limit switch. The time clock
is preset for three (3) defrost periods per day at eight (8) hour intervals and a fail safe
cut-off time of 20 minutes. Please note that defrost settings are not programmable.
The defrost time clock is located in front of the electrical console box in the rear
machine compartment of your freezer. If desired, to pre-set the initiation of the
defrost cycle to the time of day on the defrost time clock, turn the knob on the
center dial of timer face clockwise until the unit defrost cycle begins (compressor
and all fans will terminate). Defrost will begin at this same time every day at eight
(8) hour intervals. For example, if an 8:00 am defrost is desired, at 8:00 am turn
the defrost manual set knob to initiate defrost and a defrost cycle will start every
day at 8:00 am, 4:00 pm, 12:00 am. It will be necessary to reset the time of
defrost on the timer if the freezer is turned off or has loss of power.
All sandwich units, undercounter refrigerators and freezers have an easily
accessible, easily serviceable, performance rated, forced-air evaporator assembly
which utilizes a plasticized fin coil for extended life. All models utilize a full length,
extra large evaporator coil with a uniquely directed air flow distribution which keeps
pan product and compartment product at uniformly constant temperatures. The
complete evaporator assembly is shown in figure 7.