Compaq OSI/FTAM D43 User Manual
Page 98

OSI/FTAM Responder Manual— 425199-001
Glossary- 4
code file. A Guardian file containing the object code that you must run to create the
specified process.
collector An EMS process that accepts event messages from subsystems and logs them
in the event log. See EMS. Compare distributor.
command file. A text file containing a series of commands that you can run by issuing
the OBEY command in TACL or SCF, followed by the name of the text file.
common name. A reference name used to look up an OSI address in the local OSI/AS
management information base (MIB) when establishing an association. Using common
names simplifies addressing for applications and allows you to subsequently change the
addresses without changing your applications. In OSI/AS terminology, the common
name is called the application name.
Compaq FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Management). The Compaq
implementation of the ISO FTAM standard that provides the ability to manipulate files
between local and remote file stores on a network.
Compaq NonStop Kernel. The operating system, which consists of the core and system
services. The operating system does not include any application program interfaces.
Compaq NonStop Tools. The utility programs that perform everyday activities,
including editing, formatting, restoring, backing up, sorting, spooling, binding,
compiling, and installing.
Compaq OSI/AS. See OSI/AS.
Compaq OSI/FTAM. See Compaq FTAM.
Compaq OSI/TS. See OSI/TS.
compatibility distributor. An EMS distributor process that filters event messages
according to fixed (rather than user-specified) criteria, obtains text for these messages
and writes the text to the standard operating system destinations. See also distributor.
conditional parameter. (1) In a protocol data unit (PDU), a parameter that is present
under certain circumstances, for example, if another parameter has a given value. (2) In
the Compaq FTAM API, a procedure-call parameter that must be specified under certain
circumstances. Contrast with optional parameter and required parameter.
confirm primitive. A primitive issued when a service user (entity) is to be informed
about its request. This is one of four types of service primitives. See service primitive.
confirm procedure. A procedure called to retrieve the confirm data after a confirm
primitive has been received. See confirm primitive.
confirmed service. A service in which the initiating application sends a request, and the
responding application entity (for example, an FTAM responder) returns a response that
is received as a confirm primitive by the initiating application. The confirm primitive
acknowledges the success or failure of the requested action. Contrast with unconfirmed
conformance. The satisfaction, by an implementation of an OSI standard, of both static
and dynamic conformance requirements, consistent with the capabilities stated in the