Mode selections, Error messages – Mytek Digital Stereo 192 Sample Rate Converter (ver. 1.2 / May 2011) User Manual

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Mytek Stereo 192 Sample Rate Converter – User Manual

Mode Selections

The Stereo 192 SRC is capable of synchronous or
asynchronous operation.

Synchronous operation means that the output clock is locked
to and following the input clock, even if it's a different
frequency. This mode should be used when the actual length
in time of the output sound clip has to be exactly the same
(+/- 1 sample) as the original. Generally this mode should be
used for any digital to digital transfers such as the output
being re-recorded digitally.
Asynchronous operation means that the output clock is
independent (not synchronized) from the input clock. This
would be used when up-sampling a signal to be converted by
a DA converter for example. It can be set to use the ultra-low
jitter clock from the internal quartz oscillator or it can use
external wordclock.
When synched to external wordclock the frequency is set by
the incoming clock signal. You will not be able to change the
frequency on the front panel.

Error Messages

no in – This is displayed when a valid input is not present.

no out – This is displayed if you are in ASNC-WCK mode and
there is no external clock source present.

If the digital source has a
jittery clock then using
synchronous mode will
retain some of that jitter.
Asynchronous mode does
not carry over jitter.

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