Introduction, See block diagram) – Millennia STT-1 Twin Topology Recording Channel User Manual

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(see block diagram)

The STT-1 Origin is a collection of Millennia's essential product line combined into one box. You might
call it our "greatest hits" compilation. The STT-1 is a single channel (mono) processing chain with various

signal path topologies (vacuum tubes, discrete transistors, audio transformer, transformerless) all select-
able at various functions. The STT-1 offers an entirely discrete, entirely Class-A direct signal path from
input to output. The signal path can be variously selected to use vacuum tubes or transistors, transformer
or non-transformer coupling. The STT-1 also offers additional monolithic utility outputs. There are (yes,
we counted) at least 134 different product combinations available in the STT-1 Origin — ranging from
the most musically transparent, sonically accurate, and dynamically stable audio circuits, to sublime levels
of vacuum tube and transformer 'euphony', and everything in between. The possibilities afforded the cre-
ative engineer, producer, and musician are virtually endless. The STT-1 includes the following functions,
employing the essential topology of Millennia products as noted by name:

1.) HV-3 discrete hybrid solid state microphone preamplifier -or-

2.) M-2 vacuum tube microphone preamplifier

3.) Vacuum tube instrument DI input, routable into M-2 vacuum tube -or- HV-3 solid state gain amplifiers

4.) Balanced line level (+4) input, routable into M-2 vacuum tube -or- HV-3 solid state gain amplifiers

5.) NSEQ four-band parametric EQ, selectable via vacuum tube -or- discrete solid state audio topology

6.) TCL opto-compressor/limiter/de-esser, selectable via vacuum tube, solid state, or non-amplifier topology

7.) All paths selectable via transformer -or- transparent transformerless input signal path

The STT-1 Origin has three available audio inputs.

1.) Line Input (XLR or 1/4" phone, rear panel)

2.) Mic Input (XLR, rear panel)
3.) Instrument DI Input (1/4" phone, front panel)

A user must select one of the above three inputs via the "SOURCE" rotary switch. The above inputs can-
not be combined or mixed internally. Polarity of any input can be flipped 180 degrees, if desired. The mic
input can also receive +48V Phantom power, if required.

All input sources (mic, line, DI) are routed directly to the front-end gain amplifiers. A front-end gain am-
plifier is selectable as either vacuum tube (M-2) or solid state (HV-3). Each front-end gain amplifier has

its own gain adjustment potentiometer (approximately +10 dB to +50 dB solid state range and +20 dB
to +40 dB vacuum tube range). A user can select one front end gain amplifier, only (VT or SS) — front
end gain amplifiers cannot be mixed or used simultaneously. Additionally, a Millennia MIT-01 audio-path
transformer is selectable at all inputs (mic, line, DI) to the gain amplifiers. Use the transformer when you
want to add an enhanced, "in-your-face" euphonic personality to high-level input signals. The MIT-01
input transformer remains relatively uncolored and sonically neutral with nominal signal levels.

The front-end amplifiers feed two areas simultaneously: (1) a direct utility ouput and (2) the EQ/Dy-
namics section. The direct output is placed before the EQ and Dynamics sections. The direct output is
FET-based, monolithic, balanced, and always active. The EQ and Dynamics sections can share the same
amplifier stage (selectable as vacuum tubes or field effect transistors), which opens up some interesting
operational features. The ORIGIN's Opto-Dynamics functions can be used with vacuum tube amplfica-
tion, solid state amplification, or with no additional amplification whatsoever. See page 16 for important
detail on EQ and Dynamics co-operation.

The STT-1 has three other 'main' outputs: (1) monolithic XLR balanced, (2) discrete 100% Class-A 1/4"
unbal, and (3) discrete 100% Class-A XLR unbalanced. Main outputs sit at the back end of the STT-1,
following all functions. An additional RCA phono jack provides a linking function for stereo operation of
two STT-1 Dynamics sections. The large scale VU meter is a true audio responding level meter which can
be selected to measure the main output level or Dyanamics gain reduction.