Make Noise Wiard Wogglebug User Manual
Page 9

Tips and Tricks:
-Utilizing an external clock will allow for separate control of the rate of change within the
system, and the smoothness of response. When an external clock is inserted, the
Clock Rate/ Chaos Control affects only the smoothing circuit.
-Utilizing high frequency external Clocks, such as a VCO or the Clock from the Doepfer A-188
BBD modules, will produce interesting results at the Stepped OUT, not unlike bit crushing.
-Patching the module back into itself often produces interesting results
Try applying the Stepped OUT to the Clock CV IN.
-To achieve something similar to Child Tones, utilize 2 Wogglebugs, inserting the Smooth or
Woggle VCO out from one, into the External Ring Mod IN of the other. The Child Appears at
the Ring-Mod OUT of the second Wogglebug.
-It is sometimes exciting to kill the bug; stop it dead in its tracks! Plugging a dummy cable
into the External Clock IN does just this! The whole system will hang, and ever so uncertainly.
-A method similar to the above suggestion is to kick the Wogglebug with a GATE or pulse instead
of a Clock. For example, apply a keyboard gate to the External Clock IN. Every time you hit a
key the Wogglebug is disturbed and new voltages appear.
-The control voltages produced by the Wogglebug are capable of large swings, to achieve more
subtle effects when using the Wogglebug to Modulate, for example a VCO or VCF, set the Chaos
Balance knob somewhat CCW, set the Smooth Range CCW. To taste of course. Attenuation at the
destination will also help to achieve subtlety.
-To disturb the Wogglebug, set the Chaos Balance at 50% and apply the disturbing control voltage
to the Heart IN.
-The Wogglebug makes for a WICKED ring-mod, however things will get real messy real quick.
For greater control of the system when using as a ring-mod, set the clock to full CW, insert a
Control voltage from sequencer, expression pedal or keyboard to the Heart IN, set Chaos Balance
To full CCW. Inject your external signal at the Ring Mod External IN. Adjust the Range controls
For desired timbre. It is possible to set the Range controls close enough so that the Wogglebug
is quiet When no signal is present at the External Ring-Mod IN. Woggle control is like a Time Warp
-The Woggle circuit is chasing the Smooth circuit; adjustments in the Smooth section will affect
The Woggle section. For example, lowering the Smooth Range will effectively lower the median
level of the Woggle CV. This is useful for taming and controlling the Woggle CV.