Panel controls part 3 – Make Noise Wiard Wogglebug User Manual
Page 6

Woggle CV:
A of product of the Smooth/ Stepped CV, this voltage quivers, shakes and Chases after the
heart of the system... always.
This control Sets how quickly (or slowly) the Woggle is able to catch the Smooth/ Stepped
circuit. Woggle Range: This control sets the upper limit for the Frequency of the Woggle
Woggle VCO OUT:
Square wave, audio rate signal appears here, controlled in some part by the Woggle and
Woggle Range panel controls as well as the Smooth VCO.
Clock RATE & Chaos Control:
This dual purpose control sets both the Rate of the Wogglebug system Clock & the lag pro-
cessor feeding the Smooth VCO. Turning it CCW slows the system and smoothes its
Clock RATE & Chaos Control CV IN:
Control voltage IN for the above functions.
External CLOCK IN:
any signal may be applied here, and upon every detected rising edge the Wogglebug System
will be kicked in the ass.
Clock OUT:
Squared, clock signal, 0 to +10V.
Random Gate Burst:
Squared, gate signal, 0 to +10V. Random, but controlled gates synced to the Clock (though
sometimes sputtering and spazzing off for brief Moments of brilliant freedom, only to fall back
into the hands of the clock).