Make Noise Mysteron User Manual

Page 8

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Tip & Tricks

1. Mysteron must be EXCITED at some point to make any audible sound.

2. Setting Generation to 100% Re-Generation, the Mysteron will Self-Oscillate once the initial Excitation occurs.

3. Be sure IMPULSE is set to greater then 0% to achieve audible sound.

4. IMPULSE parameter could be used as digital VCA.

5. For melodic tracking, set PITCH panel control Full CCW (Quantize Mode) and use only PITCH 2 . Fine Tune will help

to match the Mysteron to a VCO tuning.

6. For simplest usage, patch Gate or Clock to only one EXCITE input.

7. Using BOTH EXCITE inputs may result in the two waveguides to having different pitches, with the possibility of

creating a duophonic behavior.

Patch Ideas

Digital Hi-Hats

Set PITCH to ~12:00, IMPULSE between 12:00 and 1:00, DEPTH Full CW, GENERATION Full CCW, TYPE between 12:00

and full CW. Send gate stream to one or both EXCITE inputs, and select TYPE of your choice. Modulate TYPE,

IMPULSE and PITCH for variation.

Duophonic/Sample & Hold "Chords"

Because the Pitch2 CV affects only the most recently struck waveguide, the EXCITE inputs behave similarly to sample

& hold circuits when struck independently, giving rise to duophonic behavior. Use one fast and one slow gate

stream to hear the effects. For example, set René into a four-row snake pattern with all gates enabled on the X- and

Y- Gate pages. Use the X-Gate to excite one waveguide and the Y-gate to excite the other. The waveguide excited by

the Y-gate will play a new note every four steps, while the other plays a new note every step. Higher GENERATION

values will make the effect more obvious.

Wavetable Oscillator

Adjust GENERATION panel control full CW, and DEPTH full CW. Hit the EXCITE input with a single gate. The Mysteron

will now continue to oscillate until GENERATION is turned down. Use TYPE control and/or CV input to select waveta-

bles. Patch to VCA or use IMPULSE to emulate one.

Voltage Controlled Quantize Mode

Becausee the Pitch 1 CV input is summed with the Pitch panel control, it can be used for automated switching in

and out of Quantize Mode. With Pitch full CCW (thus enabling Quantize Mode, patch a gate to the Pitch 1 CV input.

Adjust input attenuator to taste (positive side only). If tracking is not critical, you can fine-tune the attenuator value

and/or patch a stepped voltage such as a tuned voltage from Pressure Points, for voltage controlled transposition.

Industrial Guitar Tones

Tune DPO VCOB to a fifth, octave, or octave + fifth above Mysteron. Adjust Fold to ~9:00, Shape between 12:00 and

full CW, Angle to 12:00. Patch Mysteron output to ModDemix Signal Input, DPO Final output to ModDemix

Carrier/CV Input. Add character to the tone by increasing DEPTH. The lower half of the TYPE control will produce the

most "tonal" results, with more noise occurring in the upper half. Subtle modulation of DPO ANGLE creates pleasing

ripples of movement.