Lippert Components Solera® Manual Pull Strap Awning User Manual
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Rev: 12.05.2014
Page 3
Solera® Manual Awning - Pull Strap Style Owner's Manual
Extending the Awning
1. Locate the locking latch (Fig. 1) (if equipped) on the drive side awning arm. Unlock the latch (Fig. 2).
NOTE: This latch is optional and may be installed on one or both support arms.
2. Using the pull rod, place the "L" end of the rod on top of the cam lock (Fig. 3A) and pull down on the
lock to release it (Fig. 3).
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
3. Insert the pull rod into the pull strap (Fig. 4).
4. Pull strap to chest height using the pull rod. Using hands to grasp strap, walk the awning outward,
keeping in front of the roll bar at all times (Fig. 5).
NOTE: Full extension is considered complete when the awning valance seam reaches the leading edge of
the awning tube (Fig. 6). Also check to make sure cam lock is on top of the roller tube.
Tying the roll bar down once extended will not allow the free floating support arms to work as designed
and may cause damage to the awning or RV.
Fig. 3