Lippert Components Center Point Suspension User Manual
Lippert components, inc

Installation for the Trailair Center Point suspension system is straight forward and requires replacing the equalizer in the standard tandem(2)
axle suspension system. Trailair strongly recommends the use of shock absorbers in conjuction with Center Point but they are notrequired.
Trailair does not supply shock absorbers because Center Point is not designed structurally to handle shock absorber mountings.If the coach is
not equipped with shock absorbers, please refer to the trailer manufacturer for information on shock absorbers and/or themountings available for
the particular trailer.
insure that they do not swing down during disassembly of the
shackle components. NOTE: allowing the axles to drop could
result in damage to the wiring for the electric brakes.
5. With the coach properly raised on jack stands and
the axles properly supported by additional jackstands, remove
two shackle nuts on the shackle at the rear of the front spring.
NOTE that the bolts are pressed into the shackle plate and
should not turn. However, use a properly sized boxed end
wrench to insure the bolts do not turn. Loosen the nuts only,
to remove these shackle
6. Once the nuts and
the plate retained by the
nuts are removed, slide the
opposite side shackle plate
out, with the bolts still
pressed into the plate. Also, remove the nut on the cross bolt
for the equalizer. Again, the bolt may be pressed into the
frame hanger and should not be allowed to rotate. After
removing the front spring’s shackle at the equalizer, repeat
the process for the shackle that mates the rear spring to the
equalizer. Then, remove the equalizer.
7. The frame hanger is now ready to receive a Center
Point Sub-assembly. Insure that the clamp plates are
sufficiently loose to allow the retaining tower to slide up into
the frame hanger. Do not remove the clamping plates as
there may not be adequate clearance to reinstall after placing
the tower into the frame hanger. Remove the retaining cross
bolt and nut so the tower will slide into the frame hanger. Do
not misplace these
bolts and nuts after
taking them off the
sub-assembly. If
the hanger has a
cross tube, the
cross tube must be
8. It is suggested that a floor jack supports the Center
Point Sub-assembly during this operation. The floor jack
allows mobility along with an ease of slowly raising the Center
point Sub-assembly into position to install the retaining cross
bolt into the frame hanger.
1. The first step is to check for fit up and take reference
measurements. Please see the EQUALIZER / HANGER FITUP
ILLUSTRATION which depicts a standard center hanger,
equalizer (also referred too as a “rocker”) with spring shackles
and the Trailair Center Point Installation Check Template.
Utilize the illustration and a Check Template (CP 100001) to
determine if adequate clearance is available under the coach
and which length shackles are required during installation.
Make sure you catalog the “S” dimension measurement for
reference in section 9.
2. For a standard
installation, your coach must
also come equipped with the
standard center hanger shape.
The hanger may vary in
dimension but it must be sized
for a 1 3/4” leaf spring width, be
at least 2.5” from the equalizer
hole to the top of the hanger and be 3” wide or wider. Please
for minimum hanger dimensions. If your coach is not equipped
with this style hanger, you may be able to do a non-standard
installation (See section 8) or you may have to remove the
old hanger from the frame and install the standard center
hanger, which can be acquired from Trailair.
3. After safely
raising the coach to
a level that insures
the tires are off the
ground, properly
position stands to
support the coach.
WARNING: improper raising or lowering of the coach could
result in damage to the coach, injury or death. Insure that
any points of contact for the stands do not result in damage
to any panels or lines under the coach.
4. Remove the tires and
wheels from the coach. The
suspension should be free from
any loads, except it’s own weight
at this point. Place another set of
jack stands under the axles, very
close to the u-bolt plates. This will
provide support to the axles and