Lippert Components Center Point Suspension User Manual

Page 3

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10. Once both Center Point Sub-assemblies are installed
onto the frame, the air supply lines must be routed. You should

refer to the AIR LINE SCHEMATIC in the
appendix. Before planning the air hose
routing and placement, verify there is
sufficient clearances for the air spring. The
air springs already have the air hoses
installed and only have to have the loose
end secured. In order to insure there is

sufficient slack in the air hose, the clip placement (CP 100035)
is critical. The air spring will cycle forward and aft as much as
5 inches, during the operation of the suspension in its reaction
to extreme road conditions. Therefore, the clip must be
secured on the frame with enough slack to allow the movement
necessary. It must also be located so that the hose does not

contact the air spring to any other moving
parts of the suspension. There are 4 self-
drilling, self-tapping screws (CP 100020)
provided to attach the clip, two per clip.

11. After attaching the clips in a suitable

location, the bulkhead fittings w/ ¼” NPT to push on (CP
U00003) can then be attached to the air hoses. The locking
nut of the bulkhead fitting can be removed from the fitting and
the fitting can be inserted into the mounting clip. Re-install
the locking nut and secure the bulkhead fitting to the clip.

This should be done for both sides
of the trailer before installing the
poly air lines.

12. After carefully considering
the placement and routing of the
air lines to the desired location of

the air gauge panel(CP 5007), the poly air lines may be
installed. A union tee (CP U0000
4) is supplied for joining the
two air lines from the bulkhead fittings. Note that all a ir lines
are DOT approved air brake quality suitable for commercial
industry applications. The poly air lines must be cut square

and true, in order for these fittings to
function properly and retain air

13. To assist in routing the poly
air lines, there are (4) nylon clips (CP

U00006), self-drilling / self-tapping screws (CP U00020) and
(4) wire ties (CP U00028) provided. Do not drill through any
panels under the coach until assuring there is nothing that
will be damaged. Remember, there are holding tanks, water

lines and possibly gas lines all mounted
within the frame rails of a coach.

14. The choice of the

location of the air gauge panel (CP
5007) is up to the owner / dealer /

installer. Trailair makes no recommendations other than to

place it where it will not inhibit
the operation of the system and
will provide an opportunity to
visually check the system
pressure easily. External
mounting is the preferred
method of Trailair, however, the
owner may prefer mounting
within a compartment. CP5007

consists of the panel mount plate (CP 100030), the air
pressure gauge (CP U00033) with female connector (CP
U00017) and the access fill valve (CP U00015).

There are two options for external
installation. The first option is to
install the panel mount plate

provided with the

gauge and fill valve acts as a reinforcing plate. The second
option is to mount the air pressure gauge and the access fill
valve directly onto the coach body without utilizing the panel.
Trailair offers both methods and provides sufficient information
for either choice.

The CP 5007 assembly is intended to serve two
functions. One is to provide support for the panel installation
in areas that may not be thick enough to attach fasteners.
The second function is to provide a template to cut an accessmounting
hole. Carefully check to insure there are no
obstacles nor any components that may incur damage while
cutting holes, routing the poly air lines or mounting the panel
mount plate. At this point, mount the female connector to the
air gauge, mount the air gauge and the access fill valve to the
panel mount plate.
Determine the location of the CP 5007 assembly and
mark two holes, 1 3/4” diameter, 3 3/8” apart from each other.
With a suitable tool cut the opening for the air gauge and the
fill valve. Place the CP 5007 assembly into the openings,
level and square the assembly, mark the four hole locations
to mount the panel. Install the assembly using (4) self-tapping
screws (CP U00020), through the holes in the panel.

Once location is determined, use the air gauge
without the bezel and the access air fill valve without the
bulkhead nut as a template to drill the holes needed. Be sure
to check for potential interference and or possible damage to
other components before cutting any access holes. Once
the holes are cut, mount the air gauge with the female
connector attached and the access fill valve to the coach

CP 100035

CP U00020

CP 5007

CP U00033 CP U00017 CP U00015

CP U00004

CP U00006

CP U00003