Kuzma Stogi Reference User Manual
Page 16

G. Azimuth Adjustment
Normally this is obtained automatically when the tonearm is mounted, providing the lines
(Fig. 22 a) are in alignment.
Rough Adjustment (Fig. 22)
Azimuth describes the angle between the record surface and the stylus, viewed from the front
of the cartridge. This should be 90° and can be checked by observing if the cartridge body is
square with its mirror image on the blank part of a record or by putting a mirror under the
stylus (taking care that the stylus does not slide). If using a mirror ensure that it is absolutely
Stogi Reference:
If stogi reference the cartridge is not square, the tube can be rotated slightly to obtain the
correct azimuth. Firstly the tube should be released by loosening the two screws on the top of
the arm. (Fig. 23) Use Allen key 2.5 mm and turn screw for only 90°. Then (being careful not
to push the tube off the armrest) insert the Allen key into the screw on the right side of the
arm. (This screw is above the cueing device.) Observing the position of the marks on the
tonearm and the cartridge body in a mirror, this screw should be turned for approximately 45°
to alter the azimuth. A clockwise turn of the screw causes a clockwise rotation of the arm and
vice-versa. When the cartridge body is square fix the top two screws firmly but do not
overtighten as the locking mechanism holds very quickly.
The fixing screw is underneath the tube (Allen key 2.5 mm). Rotate key clockwise for 90°,
then manually rotate tube and fix screw with anticlockwise action.