Kenton Linndrum Mk3 User Manual
Page 4

Program number use in Assign mode
Program 1 - Bass 1/2
2 - Snare 1/2/3
3 - Sidestick
4 - Hihat 1/2
5 - Hihat open
6 - Lo conga
7 - Hi conga
8 - Lo tom
9 - Mid tom
10 - Hi tom
11 - Ride 1/2
12 - Crash
13 - Cabasa 1/2
14 - Tambourine 1/2
15 - Cowbell
16 - Clap
1) No matter how the sounds are assigned, these program numbers always
belong to the same sound.
2) Any program number above 16 will terminate Assign mode and return you
to normal play mode.
3) If you assign more than one sound to the same MIDI note, only the
most recent one will sound - the original sound on that note will then
be "unassigned" until it has been given a new assignment.
When sounds are unassigned, they will not be transmitted over MIDI
4) Assignments are stored in non volatile memory.
5) The various volume levels are accessed via MIDI at different
velocity levels - and as a bonus, Sidestick has 3 volume levels (like
snare) and Hihat open and Crash have 2 levels - (MIDI in only)
6) If "MIDI CONTINUE" is received during song mode, the LINNDRUM will
start at the beginning of the current pattern.