Kenton Linndrum Mk3 User Manual
Kenton Equipment

Your Linndrum is now equipped to send and receive MIDI information.
When turned on the machine will function normally, sending out and
receiving MIDI note & velocity information on the channels set in
memory. The factory channel settings are: receive chan 16 omni off
transmit chan 1 and Stop/start TX/RX enabled
Clock information is always sent and Start/stop information is sent
and received if enabled. (Not channel sensitive)
ON WHILST HOLDING THE RED BUTTON PRESSED (hold for a couple of seconds)
With the front panel push switch set to INTERNAL clock (red led not lit)
the Linndrum will run from its own internal clock and will send out
MIDI timing information at a rate determined by the tempo knob. In the
EXT sync position (red led lit) however, with the rear panel switch set
to MIDI (up) it will run from MIDI sync at the rate set by the MIDI
device connected. If no MIDI timing information is present,then the
Linndrum will not run.
Some drum machines/sequencers may not send start/stop codes, in this
case pressing the start switch on the Linn, will make it wait until
MIDI clock/sync is present.
To use the EXTERNAL sync socket (tape sync) the front panel switch
should still be set to EXT (red led lit), but the rear panel switch
should be set to EXTERNAL (down).
Two modes are available by pushing the red push button. Before you do
press the red button however, make sure the Linndrum is not playing,
otherwise the results may be unpredictable.
1) SET-UP MODE - setting MIDI channel/stop-start etc. (panel or remote)
Give the red push button a short press (half a second) - then release.
Follow this with a MIDI note (a key on a DX7 D50 etc.) or sequence of
notes as detailed on page 3. Note that after selecting a channel
or other function, top C will need to be pressed to return the unit to
playing mode. (N.B. set-ups are stored in non volatile memory).
2) MAPPING MODE - assigning MIDI notes to sounds (from remote synth
only) - Press the red button hold for about six seconds - then release.
Follow this (on the remote keyboard) with a program change number, then
any MIDI note. The drum sound specified by that program change number
will be mapped to the key you pressed. You may keep assigning drum
sounds to keys in the same fashion (program then key). When you have
assigned all the sounds that you want to, press any invalid program
change number (any above 16), you will then be automatically returned
to normal play mode. On page 4 is a list of which program numbers
correspond to what drum sounds.
N.B. The red button can be "pressed via MIDI - see last page.