Kenton USB-Solo User Manual
Page 6

P 07
Portamento type (default : fixed rate)
The following can be selected:
Fixed rate
Fixed time
- Fixed rate causes the portamento to slide at the rate set in 06, so that the slide time is proportional to
the interval between the start and finish notes.
- Fixed time will attempt to keep the time taken for the slide to be constant, regardless of the interval
between the start and finish notes. (In extreme cases this is not always possible)
P 08
LFO to CV controller number (default: 1)
The following can be selected:
Pitch bend
MIDI controllers 0 to 119
P 09
LFO to CV minimum value (default: 0)
0 to 127
- Sets the level for LFO to CV modulation when the MIDI controller source is at its minimum.
Note that minimum can be set above maximum so that the controller works backwards.
Why would I want to do this? – You may want a pre-set amount of modulation applied at all times
P 10
LFO to CV maximum value (default: 50)
0 to 127
- Sets the level for LFO to CV modulation when the MIDI controller source is at its maximum.
Note that minimum can be set above maximum so that the controller works backwards.
Why would I want to do this? – The modulation amount at mod-wheel maximum may be too great or
too little
P 11
LFO to CV reset value (default: 0)
0 to +127
- Sets the level the LFO to CV modulation will reset to when the USB SOLO is powered on or when it
receives a controller reset MIDI command or a new setup is loaded from memory. This is equivalent to
a MIDI message of this value being received, so it will be influenced by min and max settings above.
Why would I want to do this? – You may want a pre-set amount of modulation that can however be
turned off later using the mod wheel
P 12
Coarse Tune / Transpose (default: 0)
-24 to +24
- Changing this will change the tuning of the mono-synth in semi-tone steps. If your synth does not
play C when you play a MIDI C (note#36), use this to make it as near as possible.
Why would I want to do this? – Your synth might not play a C when zero volts CV is applied to it, either
because it is out of adjustment, or maybe it was designed that way (e.g. Minimoog – zero volts = F)
P 13
Fine tune (default: 0)
-127 to +127 (approximately a semitone each way – use P12 above if you need more)
- Fine tunes the mono-synth. This moves all notes up and down by the same amount.